
Can You Read P&ID Efficiently?

Take this 10 Questions Short Quiz and Check Yourself.

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1 / 10

Pipe classes and pipeline numbers are shown on the Process Flow Diagram – PFD.

2 / 10

P&ID is also known as Process Engineering Flow Scheme (PEFS).

3 / 10

In which part of the drawing will you look for additional information that the designer wishes you to add to make the drawing more comprehensive?

4 / 10

The symbol shown in the image is of 24″ ______.

Manhole entry

5 / 10

P&ID shows all the equipment, including installed spares, and associated piping including drain and vent line.

6 / 10

P&ID is a Piping and Internal diagram.

7 / 10

P&ID is a _______  representation of the actual process plant using various symbols.

8 / 10

Isolation and shutoff valves are shown in the _______.

9 / 10

A single PFD can have multiple P&IDs.

10 / 10

Identify the symbol shown here.

Floating roof tank

The average score is 67%
